Thursday, March 28, 2013

Are we loving caretakers or mindless destroyers?

Genesis 1 says that God gave man authority over all creation... Everything God created was good... mankind, animals, earth, sky, sun, moon, stars, sea, and all that is in it... He has entrusted man to take care of his creation. It's not ours, it's his. We are simply stewards. How are we doing??? This disturbing video shows what man has done with the dominion given him. It really makes you think... 

Mankind looks like destroyers rather than loving caretakers. Our consumeristic self-indulgence has blinded us to seeing the intrinsic value in everything God has created. There is a connectedness wired into all of creation. We don't realize when we destroy it, we are destroying ourselves. My prayer is that God continues to open the eyes of our hearts to see the true value in everything he created. It's not about deciding to become a vegetarian or to start a save the whale foundation. We can start simply by agreeing with God about the preciousness of his creation and ascribing worth to everything and every person we come in contact with. When we see someone's or something's preciousness, we can't help but begin to treat them differently, our lifestyle will automatically begin to reflect our convictions. We will begin to sense a growing concern for people, animals, nature... we will naturally begin to move away from mindlessly neglecting and destroying and begin moving in the direction of loving and healing.

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