Friday, April 26, 2013

Wow, we get to stay!!!

We've had our house on the market for about 5 months and in about another month, Keith was going to have to start his new position in Raleigh. A few days ago, Keith came home and told me that his boss called and told him that the guy in Georgia just resigned. They offered Keith the position here instead of moving us to Raleigh. I was stunned! The scripture that came to mind was... "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." I wonder if that's because when you delight yourself in Him, you desire His will above your own because you trust He always has your best at heart, even when you can't see it. 

When Keith was initially considering the job in Raleigh and we were praying about it, it seemed crazy to take a job for less money and uproot our whole family and move away, but in another way, it seemed crazy not to take it because Keith was so unhappy and overworked in his current job. I remember laying in bed one night and told Keith, "I think you should take it". He said, "Why?" I said, "Because when I pray, the thing that keeps coming to my mind is, 'What would love do?' And I know what love would do in this situation. It would lay down it's life for another." I told him he's always been the one to sacrifice for the good of the family, it's time we sacrifice for his good. I felt complete peace after that and never looked back. I told Keith last night that the story of Abraham willing to sacrifice Isaac keeps coming to mind. That's kind of what this feels like... When you trust God and are willing to sacrifice, there is always blessings beyond what you could ask or imagine that He throws your way... Keith ended up getting a job he loves, we don't have to move, and he's actually making more money than he was before. God is good!

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